"A child who moves around freely and without restriction is much more cautious, manages his activities and falls without risk, whereas a child who is limited in his movements and over-protected is more likely to put himself in danger".
As well as being a small play module, the Elypik can be used with or without its slide. With two modules, you can turn it into a table. And there's plenty more ideas for your child to come up with.
What is free movement?With the Elypik free-motor module, the principle is to give children freedom of movement so that they can explore their bodies and develop in complete confidence. It's a concept that dates back to the 60s, but is now an integral part of the educational projects of many day nurseries.
In the first few months, babies need to be physically surrounded to build up their emotional security. Once this basic security has been acquired, the child will then be able to express itself through its motor skills. During this crucial period, it is vital to give them freedom of movement: let them move around, explore space, grasp objects, release them, feel shapes and textures...
Free motor skills are increasingly practised in crèches and nurseries. Children have access to different play areas that they can explore in their own way, at their own pace, in a safe environment. For toddlers, babies lie on their backs on mats and can move around freely. Games with different textures are placed next to them to awaken their senses. The aim is to allow the child to develop independently and, above all, not to force him into a position in which he is unable to move on his own.